Friday, March 02, 2007

Rolling Down the Hall on an Overhead Cart

I am sick. Yuck. I thought I had missed the worst of it when all my kids had the flu, and I was still fine. Thankfully this is just a cold, no flu symptoms.

The worst part was that I couldn't get a sub yesterday, on my sickest day of all, and so I went to school and sat in a chair and taught from there all day. I had to get up to do some things, and when I was working with the overhead I was feeling a bit light headed, so I was leaning on it a bit. I told my students that I had to sit down because I was dizzy.

To which one responded: "Don't worry. If you faint, we'll put you on the overhead cart and roll you down the hall to the nurse."

Thanks guys, I am glad you have my back!

I did get a sub for today, so I am recuperating at home. It is such a blessing to have a job with benefits that also gives me a certain number of days I can be sick, and still get paid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, sorry that you are a bit "under the weather." Wishing you a quick recovery. No problem goes without a solution for those li'l ones, does it? The picture of the overhead card being pushed down the hall with a person on it does give us a chuckle. Trust you will be recovered in time for your special visitor in another week.