I had my students write a journal about what they would miss from 2nd grade and what they were looking forward to about 3rd grade. They flatter me so much, and I left the spelling as they put it because I get such a kick out of it. Enjoy!
"I will miss my teacher Ms. J next year and all the great great things she teached us and trix that she teached and allso games that she teached us."
"I will miss my beyst techer Ms. J. I miss her in 3rd grade."
"But when I go away to my new classroom I am gana miss my Teacher and you do not go to the YMCA."
"I well mes my teter and my clas. I well mes her rum. She was fon and she was nic to us. She wus fune."
"I will mis evry thing in Ms. J's clas, espeshely Ms. J. Also I am nerves abowt 3rd grayd.
"I am going to work hard and I going to be smart like Ms. J and trikey. The part I am going to miss is Ms. J and other thing like her new room, how she changes it."
"My new teacher won't be able to teach us all her trickiest tricks and jokes and I'm going to miss the partys Ms. J has.
"I will miss about second grade is my trickiest teacher Ms. J. I will miss her from 2th grade when we did fun with her at senters with her. My couson is going to be in 2th grade next year, so I hope she will be with my trickest teacher in second grad on 2008. I lov Ms. J."
"I will miss my teacher and my freands. I'll miss the class room."
"I don't miss nothing adout secit grade."
(And just in case you are wondering, no, spelling is not part of our curriculum, and yes, most of these kids speak English as their second language.)
1 comment:
Wow Abs. There were many comments on you being a tricky teacher. This is very interesting that so many of the kids would call you a tricky teacher. I am quite curious.
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