Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here's To Blindness

I had a nice long weekend. I used it to do laundry, attend a friend's wedding, go to a movie and get an eye check up. All in all it was fantastic.

I was told at my eye check up that I shouldn't be driving with my contacts, and was kindly given a new pair in my new (nearly blind) prescription. I also decided to head on over to Target afterwards and get some new glasses, it had been about 4 years since my last pair, and I knew they were having a sale. I've returned to my roots, buying a turquoise greenish pair, the same color as my first pair (that I picked out, thank you very much) that I got when I was 8. Aren't they nice?

Sorry to the angry masses that I have been delinquent in my blogginating. I feel like I've hit a dry spell...any blogging ideas? I am open for suggestions.


DBJ said...

You know, I think maybe you should pick, like a monthly theme, blog once or twice a week and see what kind of dialog you get.

I, too, am thinking of returning to my roots. I need to get a pair of "computer glasses" ... that is, glasses that are only good for looking at things that are an arm's length (or less) away. They don't let you read close up stuff, nor can I negotiate any kind of movements (like up and down stairs) without stumbling around like you're drunk. So, I'm thinking of getting the hugest frames I can find, (probably in black plastic!) so I can see a big screen!

As a result of this discussion, perhaps a good theme for this month (or next) is "VISION" ... can't live without it!!

How's that for an idea?

Cheri said...

Abi, love the glasses.

Your dad does have a good idea. There are certain blogs that have things like 'wordless Wednesdays (pictures only), Thankful Thursdays, etc.

I know what you mean about writer's block. Unfortunately for my readers, I continue to write whether I have anything to say or not.

Dave, look forward to your return to blogland!

Abi said...

Hmm, dad I agree a return to blogland would be nice.

Thanks for the ideas...I'll come up with something I am sure.