Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Little Known Abi Facts

I’ve been tagged by Cheri.

I am to list 7 random facts about myself…

  1. My favorite sandwich is a BLT.
  2. In college I was in a lip-syncing contest to a Romanian pop song, inspired by this man
  3. I have not shopped at Wal-Mart in 6 months, and never intend on spending my money there ever again.
  4. My hair has never been dyed or permed. It is like baby hair.
  5. On Saturday mornings I try to drink an entire pot of coffee while watching the food network.
  6. I've had head lice.
  7. If it were up to me, I would wear flip flops year round, even in a foot of snow.
I, unlike Cheri, don't have as many blog friends, so I am going to tag Jess, my fellow Romanian pop star wannabe. We'll see if she rejoins the land of the blogging.


Cheri said...

Hey, my favorite sandwich is a BLT too!

Abi said...

Nothing beats it. Maybe it's because it is a process to make, so by the time you sit down it has to be good.