I am beginning to realize that my dislike of change is because I like to be in control. Not that I have to boss everybody around and control every little detail of every little situation. It's probably good that I can be aware of this, so that I can react in a better way to change. I need to just let stuff go, and maybe my hatred of change is a way of me feeling a little more in control of situations that I can't.
My brother is getting married. I couldn't be happier for him, nor could I have picked a more perfect person for him to spend the rest of his life with. I am very happy for them both. Yet, when Jan's mom asked me last summer if this was hard for me, I teared up. It's change, I can't control it. My relationship with my brother is changing, as it should. I can't control it. He is going to be a husband, he is making his own family. I can't control it. If he weren't focusing his energy and time this, if our relationship didn't change that wouldn't be good. He is doing what is right. I miss the way things were. But I am excited for the way things will be. I just need to let go, and let it be, and accept that I don't have control and that's okay.
I remember those two in the top picture! So cute!
And I know the two in the bottom picture too and are so thrilled for them. Yes, change is hard, but as time goes on you will realize that you still have a wonderful relationship with your brother and the fantastic bonus of a very sweet sister-in-law.
Over time change always has been good and I wouldn't ever want to go back to "the way it was." You said it well! I only need one kleenix, not two :)
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