Monday, September 05, 2011

A Long Hiatus

I took a long hiatus from blogging. Like over a year if you check my previous post. In that year lots has happened.

I went white water rafting for the first time. I got more involved with photography with James, and now even own the proud owner of my own camera. My Grandpa Lenz passed away. I survived my most challenging year of teaching yet. I was asked to join my building's leadership team. I went to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. I watched a friend grieve. My sister graduated from college. I visited my brother in Colorado, twice. I visited home. James and I joined a lifegroup with our church. I made dear new friends. I moved out of Grant and Vanessa's house. Old friends had babies. I laughed, I cried, I grew.

Watch out blogosphere, I'm back.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

LOL!!! THis is too funny! I just started blogging again too!!! I look forward to keeping up with you on here as well! See you Thursday!