Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Year Ago...Almost Today

I know I was supposed to take a sabbatical from blogging, and as fun as it's been, I've been reflecting recently about my life over the past year, and all that's happened and changed in my life; good, bad and ugly.

A year ago, almost today my head was still reeling because I'd accepted a job in Wichita Kansas.

A year ago, almost today I was packing up my life to go to Kansas.

A year ago, almost today my lovely dog Taffy was watching me pack up my life to go to Kansas. (She's in dog heaven now, with God who made her) - From the book "Dog Heaven"

A year ago, almost today I was frantically looking for an apartment, calling several places a day to see if I'd have a place to live in a week.

A year ago, almost today I was dating someone.

A year ago, almost today I went shopping at IKEA with Jenna. Funny, I'm going there tomorrow to shop with my sister and mom.

A year ago, almost today I was 3 days away from moving.

A year ago, almost today I made my first purchases at a teacher store. I made another visit to one today, and I got some great items!

A year ago, almost today I could not even imagine that in one short year I would be in the place I am now. God has blessed me so incredibly immensely over the past year. I have had family and friends support me in my move, I was able to find a fantastic apartment to live in, I've found a church and friends in my new dwelling place. (Can I call it home...where is home?) I've had moments where I had to utterly and completely rely on God to help me buck up and put one foot in front of the other, and move on with a smile on my face.

A year ago, almost today I didn't think how blessed I'd be in one short year.

Where will I be one year from today? Any speculations?


DBJ said...

Abi you are truly and inspiration to all of us! God continues to amaze everyone who knows you with how your confidence and trust in Him is always growing and developing!

We are confident that your life will make a difference in countless other lives in the weeks, months and years to come!

I am so proud to call you my daughter ... "flyin' Abs!"

I love you so much,


Cheri said...

How wonderful to look back and see God's many blessings.

You are wise beyond your years, Abi!