Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Swimming Lessons...Take Two

There is nothing better than warm apple crisp. Well, there probably are, but I am eating some while I write this, so in this moment in my life, there are few things that are better than warm apple crisp. Spring is in full swing, and for some reason I felt especially in a mood to bake today, so with my windows wide open, listening to other people's air conditioners hum (seriously, it's not that hot...it's not even hot) I get to enjoy the freshly baked treat. Yum!

Today was swimming lesson day! I had 5 students come in this morning asking to call home because they'd forgotten their suits at home, and much to my surprise only 2 of them knew their phone number. It's not such a problem, just a phone call to the office to have one of the secretaries look it up, but I still am of the persuasion that children, especially 2nd graders need to know their phone number. That's what their homework was.

The swimming lessons themselves went swimmingly. Sorry, I couldn't resist. No mishaps, no cuss words, and the boys, surprisingly, were faster than the girls getting out of the locker rooms. I didn't get my alone time though, because one of my students who has grabbed my heart, was worried to stay at school instead of going (she'd forgotten her suit) and told me this right before we left, so she and I sat and read books outside the pool. Oh, and we ate Twizzlers from the vending machine as well. All the kiddos were so tired when we got back, and so we took it easy the rest of the day. A short video on Christopher Columbus, and a Scholastic News.

Question: Does anyone know what this tree is? (Mom???) They are blooming all over and I absolutely love them. I think God created them just for me. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The challenges of teaching!! Forgetting a swim suit on the day assigned for swimming is a crisis for those little ones. Can almost taste the apple crisp. Oh, the tree is a redbud. We see them some years on our north migration - usually in Northern Indiana, Illinois, into So. Wisconsin along the side of the highway - for miles. It is a beautiful site as you can imagine. Wish we could plant one in our yard - the cold weather north of So. WI would freeze them out. Enjoy them. God is the artist.