Friday, September 21, 2007


I don't live in the state I grew up in, and I don't live in the state I went to school in. I don't live in the country I went to elementary school in either.

I got new car insurance this week. Turns out it is frowned upon to be living on one state with car insurance from another. I think that's odd personally. Why should it really matter?

The insurance man said "You might want to think registering your car in this state."

Hmm, no thanks. I like my 'Sconie plates.

I don't know where I'll be a year from today, and I have come to accept the fact that
a) I don't have it all figured out and
b) I might as well not make plans since God's plans will beat out any I make without Him.

I read this quote today, and it seemed fitting.

The Way I See It #31
"Risk-taking, trust, and serendipity are key ingredients of joy. Without risk, nothing new ever happens. Without trust, fear creeps in. Without serendipity, there are no surprises."

-- Rita Golden Gelman, Author of Tales of a Female Nomad. She has had no permanent address since 1986.

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